Sean Eubanks, owner/operator of Woodhill Studios, received a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture from the University of Texas in Arlington in August 1995, having never set foot in a CAD classroom. Two weeks later, he was enrolled at Texas A&M where he went on to earn his Master's in Architecture in 1997.
Knowing that CAD was in high demand, he enrolled in every CAD class possible. As an elective, he even took a small business management course with the hope of running his own business one day. For his thesis, Sean proposed a renovation of the courthouse and square of his home town of Rockwall, Texas. The difference in his thesis? His entire presentation was digital while most of his colleagues were presenting standard models and more parochial hand renderings. Before he enrolled at Texas A&M, he was almost completely computer illiterate, and less than two years later he was doing intricate 3D computer presentations. This is where Sean's passion for computer graphics took off.
Ten years later, Sean has come up with some amazing 3D presentations. Along the way, Sean would keep his architecture skills honed by designing and drawing up a house or two a year for friends or family. During this time, he worked full time for Texas A&M in the College of Engineering as their facilities coordinator, doing everything from design and layouts of laboratories, classrooms, clean rooms and office suites to supervising construction and renovation of these spaces. Sean was promoted to Manager of his department in August of 2004. Being manager was a great promotion, but he found he spent more time managing and less time doing what he loved: drawing.
Continuing to draw up house plans in the evenings, Sean decided to turn his attention back to what he loved to do best, computer graphics. He took an extensive 3D modeling and animation course in Denver in the fall of 2006 to brush up on the latest software and techniques and it was at this course where he decided to give computer graphics another shot. As a result, Sean focused on starting his own computer graphics business. In a very short amount of time, he now does work for a wide variety of builders and clients all over Texas and the east coast with a client base that is expanding daily.
Sean's main focus is on giving the client exactly what they need and want, and his philosophy is very simple,
"At the end of the day, my clients are my business. If I don't give them what they want, then they are going to take their business elsewhere, and I won't be in business very long."
Sean stays in direct contact with the client every step of the way and is open to changes, suggestions or anything that might enhance the project.
If you are a builder in need of quality house plans, or 3D presentation drawings and would like to work with someone who not only understands how to draw, but has over ten years of construction experience, can communicate effectively, and work well with anyone, then let Woodhill Studios be your next choice in your drawing and presentation solutions.
And if you are a family in need of a set of drawings to take to the bank to secure a loan, we can certainly help you as well and make the process as smooth as possible.